Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not So Thrilled About....

OK, I LOVED the Renassaince Festival because so many people petted me and said I was cute and I got to get out of that darned house for a while. And Anna drew me a picture. But....I am not so thrilled that somehow along the way we managed to pick up a new bunny. I remember visiting them at the fair but I have no idea how one managed to make its way back home with us. I am sure my human could not be so crazy as to purchase another bunny or so daft as to believe I really wanted company so...my only theory is that it somehow hitchhiked in my human's purse. That's what she gets for carrying such a big purse! Please tell me this new bunny is really ugly - isn't it? Awful dirty grey color like it fell in the mud and so much fur it just looks awful. Sad, that a bunny could be so ugly. I'm glad I am much cuter.

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